Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Bold Questions- Our Amazing Kiddos

This picture just makes me smile.  These are our three kiddos.  Annabelle just turned 4, Patrick will be 3 next month and Julia turned 5 months yesterday.  Since we became parents it has amazed me what people will openly ask you. 

Annabelle is a honeymoon baby and was born 3.5 weeks early...and no joke we had someone ask us while she was in NICU (and I hadn't even seen her yet) and in front of my parents and Matt's grandparents "Why didn't you just tell everyone you were pregnant at the wedding?".  My hormonal protective momma bear self wanted to whip out a calendar and explain gestation on the spot, but thankful I married someone much more level headed who escorted the guest out of the room.  And little did I know this was just the beginning of bold questions I would get asked as a parent.

We refer to Patrick as our miracle baby whenever anyone asks us how close in age our first two kids are, which happens often because most people question if they are twins. 

He truly defied all odds (which is totally his personality) and entered our lives in a time of chaos.  I remember vividly when I found out I was pregnant with Patch.  I had just run a half marathon two weeks prior with friends and had a wonderful wine filled weekend in San Antonio celebrating.  Two days before we had celebrated Annabelle's baptism and had family in town celebrating...notice a theme of celebration ;)  I had a 5 month old I was over the moon about and was finally starting to feel back to my old self.  Matt and I had just moved into a foreclosure we were starting to renovate and our work schedules were crazy.  I mentioned to Matt on a trip to the grocery store the day our family left town after the baptism that I was noticing I was not producing as much breast milk for Annabelle.  Since her NICU stint I had been a pumping momma, so I knew exactly how much was in supply.  I said, really as a joke, "you don't think we could be pregnant?".  His instant response, "well, get a test and we'll find out."  He was serious and gave me a feeling he knew something I didn't.  I was on birth control, breast feeding and we were very busy tired new parents, I really did not think this was a possibility.  So much so, that I took the test the next morning after Matt left for work and when I knew his mom was on her way over to watch Annabelle for the day.  I had three big meetings that morning and if I had any clue that I would get the result I did, I would have picked a better time to find out.  You already know what the outcome was...after a frantic call to Matt (who was again nonchalant...I swear he already knew!), letting his mom in while trying to keep my composure and rushing back upstairs to schedule an appointment that morning with my OB...I came to find out not only was I expecting again, I was at the end of my first trimester.  On the sonogram screen where I expected to see a thumb smudge resembling nothing human like we saw with Annabelle, there was a kicking, arm waving little man.  My AMAZING OB comforted me as I spilled out all I had done the past three months that I would have never done if I had any clue I was expecting.  A few weeks later we would get our first trimester screening result that he had a 1 in 200 chance of having Down Syndrome, which then led us to further testing that narrowed it down to being a 1 in 3 chance.  The remainder of his pregnancy was spent at the doctors office ever 4 days for stress tests and ultrasounds, and on bed rest after 26 weeks.  I can not tell you how many prayers were sent up for this little guy.  We knew we loved him no matter what and he was obviously meant to be here.  It wasn't until he was born that it was ruled out that he did not have Down Syndrome or a heart defect.  He is such a beautiful blessing. 

While going through his pregnancy which was trying in so many ways, again the questions amazed me.  "Did you know how close in age they will be?," "Didn't you just get back from maternity leave?,"  "Why do you keep getting more testing done if you are going to keep him?"  Oh and the list goes on, it is so comical to us now, and really even then.  

With the arrival of our newest bundle of joy, we have been even more amazed at questions people will use to inquire about why our baby doesn't look like us.  We decided to adopt for many reasons, the easiest explanation for "why now?" is we always wanted three or four kids and after Patrick it was not possible for us to have them the old fashion way. Adoption was something we had talked about while we were dating and both felt was a beautiful way to add to our family and help a child who needed forever parents.  It will take a whole other post to describe how Julia became our daughter, but here are two of those amazingly bold questions that have come our way from complete strangers at the park and during her newborn photography session.  "Are you babysitting?," "Did your first two come out that dark?."  On almost a daily basis we get the "Does she look like Daddy?," "What is her nationality?"...again all from complete strangers...that is what really gets me.  Apparently, inquisitive minds want to know.  I am a pretty open book and would love to share our story of how Julia entered our lives to anyone who wants to know more about adoption, but these questions when I am in 100% complete Momma mode trying to corral my three blessings catch me off guard every time. 

What bold questions have people asked you about your kids or parenting?  I would love to hear!

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. Momma.

Oh the intro:

As a working momma of three, I am starting this blog looking for an outlet for the thoughts that swirl around in my head throughout the day.  I have so much going on at all times, I want to take a few minutes a week to put down some of my experiences in hopes that others can relate...or at least find them entertaining or comedic ;)

As a quick intro to who I am and topics I want to blog on-  I am married to the best man for me and love of my life and we have three wonderful kiddos and two energetic dogs.  It took a failed marriage, finding true love, two tough pregnancies and an amazing adoption to get to where we are today.

Our family
Nailed it!

There are many times throughout the week where I look around and ask "How did I get here?"  Since I was a young kid I have had a planner personality, but what I have realized is that the best experiences in life are not planned for and standing back to reflect on blessings goes a long way for the soul.

My husband Matt and I met as biology lab partners our freshman year of college.  We were always within the same friend group, but weren't really friends with each other until one of our good mutual friends reintroduced us while out celebrating my 25th birthday.  Looking back "fate" amazes me.  Getting to know Matt in college and knowing what a great person he was/is, led us to a very quick bond when we met again three years after college.  Before we knew it we were engaged and were married two years after that reintroduction on October 3, 2009.

As I mentioned, "How did I get here?" has been a pretty constant question for me, this has been one of the most amazing epiphany questions and one of the most deflating questions I ask myself in life so far.  Here are a few key examples:

  • Two weeks after we were married we found out we were expecting our first child
  • My parents graciously decided to move from New York City to St. Louis to be close to their first grandchild
  • After a tough pregnancy our beautiful Annabelle was born 3.5 weeks early and did not have enough surfactant in her lungs to allow them to inflate...we became one with the amazing NICU staff 
  • We left our 2 bedroom 2 bath condo when Annabelle was 4 months old to move into an impulse buy foreclosure with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths
  • We found out a few weeks after moving that we were pregnant with Patrick, who arrived 13 months after Annabelle
  • Although I had always been a person who stayed in shape, after struggling with gestational diabetes with both pregnancies and being on bed rest for the second half of both pregnancies, I found myself looking at a happy wife and mother, but physically I didn't recognize or feel accepting of who I saw in the mirror
  • Two rough pregnancies and our desire for more children, led us to looking into adoption
  • The day we went active to adopt we were matched and our beautiful Julia was born two months later

I struggle to be a good wife, mother, daughter, boss and employee and how to manage these struggles while paying the bills, stay in shape and keeping our home presentable.  I am truly thankful, grateful and blessed, I look to the lord every day for strength to balance my blessings.   

Friday, June 27, 2014

That Self Image Thing

As I mentioned in my intro, I often look in the mirror and wonder who the person is looking back at me.

I still feel like the same me that was five sizes smaller in stature pre-kiddos.  The first picture on the right is a very pale me a few weeks before I moved to St. Louis and started dating Matt (the friend in the green suit is the one who re-introduced us :).  The second picture is from vacation this winter in Mexico with another great friend, but there is obviously a major change in my bathing suite bod post kiddos.

Over the past four years, my main question has been... who ever invented mirrors anyway?  I am happy and I feel fine, but I know that I will be happier if I feel comfortable in my own skin and I want to be a good example for my kiddos to lead healthy, it is time to do something for me.

I have been trying to make taking care of me more of a priority over the past few months, but where do you start?

I had c-sections with my first two babies, so my doctor suggested physical therapy as a starting point to work out my scar tissue and regain movement in my hips and level out my spine and pelvis.

This first step has been life changing!  If you or anyone you know has had a c-section you need to recommend that they see a physical therapist to have their scar worked out once it is over a year old.

After the first physical therapy visit I felt like I was going to fall backwards every time I stood up because of the amount of pressure released (which I didn't even realize was there until it wasn't).  Yesterday I went for my second appointment and I found myself walking into the walk as I walked toward the elevator while I readjusted to my new found "balance."  Before I ever went to physical therapy I would find myself leaning on the arm rest of my car or the arm of my desk chair to remove pressure on my right side.  After that first visit I was able to comfortably sit up straight...ah the things you take for granted and forget were easy. 

I have also been attending a boot camp before work for the past 5 weeks.  I am not a morning person by any means, but I have been lucky enough to have a group of my friends and my mom going with me which has been an amazing support system/morning group guilt texting network.  It is amazing what peer pressure can do :)

This past week I have added in fit bit to my daily routine, and wow am I addicted to that little gadget.  I have the fit bit zip which has been working great.

I really like having a step goal each day, it makes me get up from my desk and take a walk much more often (okay, at all).  I don't know about you, but I get totally consumed with work once I sit down at my desk and before I know it the day is over.  Having a reminder of how much effort I have put into moving has made a HUGE difference.  I am a goal driven person and I do not like to not make a goal.  I have found myself walking circles around my kitchen as my kids eat dinner to make sure I hit my 10,000 steps each day.  Who ever invented this gadget definitely had people like me in mind!  Loving it!

I have a long way to go before I will be comfortable in my skin, but these little steps are definitely a start!