Monday, December 1, 2014

Road trips...WAY different as a parent!

Work related travel is a regular occurrence in our household, and one night we were going over our calendars and realized we both had to be in Kansas City around the same time.  Excellent!  We could bring the kids with us and split who was working and who had the kids- genius! we thought.

Our kiddos are currently 4, 3 and 9 months old and we haven't taken a road trip with them since July...not too long ago, it is only November, right?!?!?  We neglected to realize that our son has become potty trained since our last road trip...this realization did not come to us until we were in way too deep to back out...for newer parents, just keep reading and you will never fail to think of this when you are at this stage!

Having three kids, we think we have this parenting thing down, but every time we get a little too confident there is a natural consequence that knocks us right back into our place of not knowing anything at all.  This trip was one of those natural consequences...

We worked it out so my husband had afternoon meetings on a Friday and I had meetings on Monday and Tuesday.  Then lucky for us, my husband got scheduled into a two day conference in Springfield, MO which we could hit on the way back on Wednesday and Thursday.  Great plan, right???

Um, no!  We started the drive Friday morning around 9 and had to stop at least 20 times for potty breaks!  My poor husband had a 1pm meeting and we were against the clock.  Every time we stopped we announced to the car that it was a potty break and everyone had to try...this was not as effective as hoped.  Without doubt five to ten minutes down the road after everyone "tried" we would hear a desperate plea from the back that they had to "GOOOO!"

Thankfully, my husband is a genius/liar and his meeting actually started at 1:30, because we pulled up to our destination at exactly 1:29.  

During my finest parenting moment during this trip, I agreed that my husband could go meet a co-worker on Monday morning before my meetings that afternoon.  He took the car and dropped us off at Panera while he went to stop into the office.  I was smart and arranged for friends to come see the kiddos at Panera and take up some of this time.  I picked a Panera by the hotel that had a courtyard behind it for the kids to run around and Panera always has great kid food. Every Panera (St. Louis Bread Co.) I have been to in St. Louis has been incredibly family friendly, but for some reason this one was not so accommodating.  I realized within 10 minutes of getting there that my youngest had a stinky diaper...went to the bathroom and not only did the restaurant not have a changing table, my wipes were in the van my husband took to his meeting...sad news!  Thinking quickly I wet some paper towels and went to the back of the restaurant to a booth with my travel changing pad and took care of business. 

Luckily it was soon after that my first friend arrived, and we took the kiddos to the courtyard to run around.  All was great, we were catching up and then my 3 year old announced he had an was not just any accident, but the smelly kind, which he has NEVER done, but why not on a family road trip.  I was already well aware of the bathroom situation, so I was able to gather the supplies available and take care of the situation rather quickly.  You would think this is where it ends, but no, I went back to the courtyard to find my other friend had arrived and she said the baby just didn't smell right.  Of course she didn't...back to the bathroom I went.  Now it was full on lunch time and the restaurant was filled, so I ended up cleaning the baby in the sink holding her up by one leg and really questioning what would happen in DFS walked in the door. 

Hanging out with the kids together was a wonderful experience, but my poor husband also had a unique experience alone with the kiddos.  We pre-bought tickets to Lego Land for him and the three kiddos for the afternoon after my Panera adventure.  Of COURSE he also had a bathroom experience.  He brought the three kids into the Lego Land bathroom (which did have a changing table!, but he also left the wipes in the van) and he started dealing with our youngest first...he turned around to find our two oldest "sharing" the potty and our son peeing behind our daughter in the same toilet.  This lead to a LOT of laughter and also a LOT of clean up and outfit changes.

Moral of the story...don't get too confident and always have wipes!